Charities supported in previous years

The Marlow Red Kite Ride is run purely by volunteers, mostly members of the Marlow Riders Cycling Club, so all proceeds from entry fees net of unavoidable costs will go to charity.  In the last four years we have raised over £25,000 for various charities.

In 2014 and 2015 we supported Cyclists Fighting Cancer.  This was chosen because of their links to cycling, and because in previous years cancer has sadly touched the lives of several of our riders.  In that timtrikee we raised around £12,000 for CfC.

The effects of the disease and its treatments in children are numerous; amputations, balance issues, physical weakness, coordination difficulties, lack of self esteem are just a few of the most common side effects seen in many patients.

Cyclists Fighting Cancer (cfc) enables children and young people living with cancer across the UK to regain their physical fitness, strength and confidence by giving them new bikes, adapted trikes, tandems, other equipment and support.


In 2013 the Marlow Red Kite Sportive raised £8,000 for three local charities:

  • Skidz, who provide work training as a mechanic for children with education and learning difficulties in the Wycombe and surrounding area
  • In-Vision who promote research into Infantile Nystagmus (IN), a permanent condition causing involuntary oscillations of the eyes that first appears within the first six months of life
  • Marlow Sports Club which is a is a community sports club, offering a home and facilities to a total of over 1,500 members, all from the Marlow area.

In 2012 the two charities supported were the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People based in Saunderton and the Marlow Sports Club. Due to your participation and the efforts of our volunteer members we were able to raise £4,000 for these two charities in what was the inaugural year of this event.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

This charity, based locally in Saunderton, trains dogs for deaf people. The puppies are initially placed at 8-10 weeks with a voluntary socialiser who looks after them for about a year introducing them to the world of people and noises. They then return to the centre for a further 4 month period for intensive training with a qualified trainer before being placed with their recipient, who spends time with them at the centre getting to know them and learning the commands. These dogs transform deaf people’s lives and work with both adults and children.
Registered Charity Number: 293358


Marlow Sports Club

Marlow Sports Club is a community sports club, offering a home and facilities to a total of over 1,500 members, all from the Marlow area.

Now registered as a charity, the Sports Club’s objective is to provide facilities for the sports, recreation or other leisure time in the interests of the social welfare of inhabitants of Marlow, Bucks and the surrounding area.   Marlow Sports Club has to raise £1.2million over the next five years in order to fully secure the land and facilities for the use of Marlow residents now and in the future.
Registered Charity Number: 1139862